16 years ago
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Wish me luck
So I finally got my apps all finished for pharmacy school. I only applied to two schools, University of Washington and UH Hilo. I just heard back from Hilo and I have been invited for an interview for the school. I was actually pretty surprised at how fast they got back to me. PharmCAS sent out my application last Monday and Hilo reviewed the application and got back to me by Friday. Honestly, Hilo is my first choice for a number of reasons, so I'm pretty excited about the interview. My interview is either going to be Jan 20, 21, or 22 so I'll be in Hilo around that time. I know that they offer interviews on Oahu, but I figured that I could go and check out the area once more and visit my family in Hilo. I'm just relieved that the application process is pretty much over and that it's now out of my hands. Hopefully I'll have more good news in about a month.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
I hate being ripped off
So I was checking across my usual blogs that I read everyday, Lifehacker and Consumerist, and they had this interesting article. Now it has been a while since they posted a story about that company, but it reminded me about why I will never, ever, ever buy anything from them. Just reading about it just gets me so frustrated, so writing about them is kind of helping me to vent out. I just really don't understand how this is even able to proceed to court. Obviously something is wrong with the justice system and copyright infringement laws. I mean who the hell in their right mind cannot REASONABLY differentiate between AV cables and mini-golf.
One thing that did put a smile on my face was this article. I'm glad that someone was able to stand up to that ridiculous company. It is just absurd in my mind how it works. And their products are ridiculously marked up, upwards of 1000% sometimes. So please please please do not purchase anything made by them. There really is no reason, unless you got it for free somehow, in which case I would just not use it. And if you really need cables, I would say purchase them from monoprice, an amazing site that sells pretty much any kind of cable that you need, and more. Plus shipping to Hawaii is actually pretty decently priced.
One thing that did put a smile on my face was this article. I'm glad that someone was able to stand up to that ridiculous company. It is just absurd in my mind how it works. And their products are ridiculously marked up, upwards of 1000% sometimes. So please please please do not purchase anything made by them. There really is no reason, unless you got it for free somehow, in which case I would just not use it. And if you really need cables, I would say purchase them from monoprice, an amazing site that sells pretty much any kind of cable that you need, and more. Plus shipping to Hawaii is actually pretty decently priced.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Made it on the site
So as you may know, I enjoy cooking and baking from time to time. I recently saw this and got inspired to try it out myself. I give all credit for this idea to the guy from the other site, but he was missing the ghosts after pac-man devours a power pellet. I am also a member for allrecipes which is a great site to get recipes. I have the link in my sites that I frequently visit pane to the right and you should check it out when you have the chance. Well at the site, you can submit pictures of recipes that you have tried so I submitted the following picture and it got voted as a favorite to be shown on the main page for tomorrow (today). I have to say that I'm pretty proud of that since it's a pretty well known site.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Halloween Night
So here are some pictures from Halloween night. We first started off in downtown at the Hallowbaloo block party and I gotta say that it was probably the best part of the night. It was a good crowd, we could drink on the street, ran into a few friends, and I got to be on the news (K5 news at 9). There was free entertainment and I really didn't have to do much walking around, which was really really great since I had to walk a little weird. I really hope that they have this block party again next year because I'll definitely go.
Wonderwoman, lego man, and cavegirl. Watch out Justice League.
They put my drinking wristband on the lego hand. Classic.
Once we left there, we headed down to Waikiki. As usual, there was a lot of traffic, and even more people. We headed down to a friends party near Kings village, and I swear to god it took us about an hour and a half to get there. I got stopped a lot for pictures and I really couldn't walk that fast. I really have to give props to my friends that I was with for dealing with that all night. I'm sure that it got really old. We hung out there for a while and then took our drunk friends away and headed back to the strip. We finished walking to the other end of the strip then called it a night. I was kinda relieved to get the costume off and walk normal for once in the night. My legs were sore for the next three days and I had a bad rope burn on my neck since it was holding up my legs. The things you do for Halloween. Oh well...it's still my favorite holiday and I can't wait for next year. I've already got my costume planned as well.Friday, October 31, 2008
Finished Costume
So here is the finsihed lego man costume. I think that it turned out pretty well myself. And I can walk rather fine in it. And it really isn't that hot, but we'll see about that after I've been walking around for an hour. But I will be wearing a camel back filled with ice water to keep me hydrated. Unfortunately, I am unable to go to the bathroom in this costume so I'm gonna have to figure something out later on tonight. Will post more pictures from Downtown and Waikiki. Later.
Newer Pumpkins
So here is the pumpkin that I carved for my work. In case you can't tell what it is, it's our two presidential candidates for the upcoming election. I'm a little disappointed that the McCain part came out a little bit better than Obama, but that's just my perfectionism coming out. I think it might be because of the picture sources that I used...oh well...I'll just be happy if the majority of the residents who look at it can tell who they are. And trust me when I say that it looks much better in person. I'll be posting pictures of my finished costume tomorrow after I do some minor tweaks. And perhaps some day I will post a tutorial.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
So I usually like to carve at least one pumpkin every year for Halloween. But this year, I figured I would try something different and sculpt one instead. I'm pretty happy with how it came out considering that it was my first attempt. I'm really happy with how the teeth came out though...it does look pretty creppy when I open my fridge up after I've forgotten that that's where I've stored it. I also decided to do the pumpkin for my workplace to represent my department. I decided to go the usual route of a three tone pumpking. Since the residents are the ones judging them,
I figured that I would do something political since the election is coming up. I'm putting Obama and McCain on the pumpking, that way it caters to residents in both parties. I'll post pictures of the finished product as soon as its done. I've also got some last minute adjustments to my lego costume so I'll be posting pictures of those as well.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Costume Update #2
So I finished painting the head:

It will look a little bit better once I put the screen in the mouth and put a nice clear glaze over it so it has that nice shiny, plastic look. And I know that this may be over doing it, but I may install a small fan inside of the helmet to get more air circulation. I figure if I'm gonna be wearing it all night, it might as well be as comfortable as possible. Next update: the legs and hopefully the finished product.
It will look a little bit better once I put the screen in the mouth and put a nice clear glaze over it so it has that nice shiny, plastic look. And I know that this may be over doing it, but I may install a small fan inside of the helmet to get more air circulation. I figure if I'm gonna be wearing it all night, it might as well be as comfortable as possible. Next update: the legs and hopefully the finished product.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Costume Update
As promised, I'm going to post pictures of my costume. It's still not done yet, but it's coming together quite nicely if I may say so myself. Check out the picture:

I still have to finish putting together the head and painting the rest of the face. Because of my asian genes, I am unable to grow a full beard, so I think I might give this guy a nice full 5 o'clock shadow. I'm also still not sure how I wanna tackle the legs. It's gotta look nice, but I have to be able to move in it as well. I'll update again when I finish the head.
I still have to finish putting together the head and painting the rest of the face. Because of my asian genes, I am unable to grow a full beard, so I think I might give this guy a nice full 5 o'clock shadow. I'm also still not sure how I wanna tackle the legs. It's gotta look nice, but I have to be able to move in it as well. I'll update again when I finish the head.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
I know that it's been almost two months since I've updated this thing so I'll sum it up as best as possible. I studied. Or at least tried to study sometimes. My PCAT exam was this past Saturday and all I can say is that I'm glad that it's over. No more feeling guilty about whether or not I should stay home and read. I get my results back in about 5 weeks so we'll see how that goes.
One of my favorite holidays is coming up, Halloween, and I've just started on my costume. I'm gonna be a lego man figurine. In my opinion, the best costumes are homemade because you know that it will be original, for the most part. I've already finished the hands and the torso, so it's just the head and the legs. I'll post pictures of it when i'm finished. Perhaps I'll make a tutorial of it as well if it comes out pretty good. I'm not trying to boast, but I would say that so far it looks better than what others have come out with on the web. I just hope that it stays together come Halloween.
I was also introduced to something called StubleUpon and all I can say is that I am addicted. All you do is download this toolbar for your browser. Then it asks you to pick your interests. Once you've done that, you're ready to stumble. You click the buttom , oddly enough, called "Stumble!" and it will send you to a site based on what you set in your profile. These sites are based on what other users have recommended for a certain category. I now "Stumble" for at least half an hour a day. I'm actually doing it right now in another tab as I type out this blog. Sure, not every site is going to be great, but you do find sites you would have otherwise never came upon that will pique your interest. Check out this awesome video that I stumbled upon:
EepyBird's Sticky Note experiment from Eepybird on Vimeo.
One of my favorite holidays is coming up, Halloween, and I've just started on my costume. I'm gonna be a lego man figurine. In my opinion, the best costumes are homemade because you know that it will be original, for the most part. I've already finished the hands and the torso, so it's just the head and the legs. I'll post pictures of it when i'm finished. Perhaps I'll make a tutorial of it as well if it comes out pretty good. I'm not trying to boast, but I would say that so far it looks better than what others have come out with on the web. I just hope that it stays together come Halloween.
I was also introduced to something called StubleUpon and all I can say is that I am addicted. All you do is download this toolbar for your browser. Then it asks you to pick your interests. Once you've done that, you're ready to stumble. You click the buttom , oddly enough, called "Stumble!" and it will send you to a site based on what you set in your profile. These sites are based on what other users have recommended for a certain category. I now "Stumble" for at least half an hour a day. I'm actually doing it right now in another tab as I type out this blog. Sure, not every site is going to be great, but you do find sites you would have otherwise never came upon that will pique your interest. Check out this awesome video that I stumbled upon:
EepyBird's Sticky Note experiment from Eepybird on Vimeo.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
More of Sunny
So if you've still not watched the greatness that is It's Always Sunny, check out this clip.
Remember, new season starts on September 19, Thursday night on FX.
Remember, new season starts on September 19, Thursday night on FX.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
So last night after work, I went over to Mark, Frank, and Travis' house to play some drinking games. A friend of ours is visiting from San Diego, but it's not like we need a reason to drink. So we play the classic drinking game of King's cup, or in this case, King's pitcher. I know that everyone has their own rules when it comes to Kings, so here's how we play:
A - Make up a rule
2 - You
3 - Me
4 - Whores
5 - Story
6 - Dicks
7 - Heaven
8 - Pick a mate
9 - Bust a rhyme
10 - Categories
J - Waterfalls
Q - Questions
K - King's cup
The highlight of our games are always the aces because we usually come up with ridiculous rules. In the first game, some of the rules were playing air guitar when you laugh, saying "...in my pants" at the end of everything you say, and yelling "AMERICA!!!" before you drink. Those rules were alright, but the second game that we played had one of the best rules. Ever. Before your turn, you had to compliment AND insult another person in one sentence. It sounds a little confusing, but here are some examples of what was said. "You mom is super fat, but at least she puts out" - Nick. Said to a guy, "Hey, you've got a little vagina, but at least it works." Can't remember too many others.
Be prepared for another good update tonight. There's gonna be an epic basketball game between Jon and Kalani. A 12-pack of Sierra Nevada is at stake. 8:00pm at the Manoa District Park. Be there.
A - Make up a rule
2 - You
3 - Me
4 - Whores
5 - Story
6 - Dicks
7 - Heaven
8 - Pick a mate
9 - Bust a rhyme
10 - Categories
J - Waterfalls
Q - Questions
K - King's cup
The highlight of our games are always the aces because we usually come up with ridiculous rules. In the first game, some of the rules were playing air guitar when you laugh, saying "...in my pants" at the end of everything you say, and yelling "AMERICA!!!" before you drink. Those rules were alright, but the second game that we played had one of the best rules. Ever. Before your turn, you had to compliment AND insult another person in one sentence. It sounds a little confusing, but here are some examples of what was said. "You mom is super fat, but at least she puts out" - Nick. Said to a guy, "Hey, you've got a little vagina, but at least it works." Can't remember too many others.
Be prepared for another good update tonight. There's gonna be an epic basketball game between Jon and Kalani. A 12-pack of Sierra Nevada is at stake. 8:00pm at the Manoa District Park. Be there.
Monday, August 25, 2008
So Mika, Riley, William Buck, Vanna, Dana, Matt and I went down to Waimea today. It's definitely one of my top 3 beaches. Not only is it ALWAYS nice, but I went there a lot as a kid. It always brings back mostly pleasant memories. So once everyone got to the beach, we went straight for the rock. I always feel like I kid when I'm jumping off, but that ends as soon as you do a backflop and you're back gets all red. I tried to do a double backflip off of the lower end of the rock, but i didn't get enough centripital force. Oh well..at least I tried and didn't pussy out. Then we played some volleyball, trying to keep the ball up as long as we could. We got to the high 50's a few times, no thanks to Jon punching the ball. And what's a day at the beach without some chicken fights? Evin and Vanna ended up dominating...I guess she has strong thighs?!

And I don't know if I posted any pictures of camping so here are some:

Mika, Amber, and I also went hiking last Sunday to Koko Head. That hike is slowly getting easier, more so than the last time I went up. For some retarted reason, I decided to run down the mountain. I thought that I had learned my lesson from last time, but apparently not. As a result, my calves were pretty much shot for about three days. Maybe next time ;)

And I don't know if I posted any pictures of camping so here are some:

Mika, Amber, and I also went hiking last Sunday to Koko Head. That hike is slowly getting easier, more so than the last time I went up. For some retarted reason, I decided to run down the mountain. I thought that I had learned my lesson from last time, but apparently not. As a result, my calves were pretty much shot for about three days. Maybe next time ;)

25 More Days
Well they posted up some commercial spots for season 4 of It's Always Sunny and it's just made it that much harder to wait for it to start. My personal favorite is the one where they take on Extreme Makeover:Home Edition. Just watch the clip:
Along with the others:
Along with the others:
Monday, August 18, 2008
Catching up
Since I'm in between school right now, I finally have time to catch up on some TV shows, which works out perfectly since a lot of the shows are premiering next month. One show that I'm really glad that I got to catch up on is It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. It's one of the most original and outlandish shows that I've ever seen. All of the characters are vain to say the least and lack any sense of morals. I also have a lot of respect for the people working on the show since three of the main actors are also writers and executive producers of the show. They just do it all. Well if you get the chance, check it out. Every episode from season 1-3 is on Hulu. Season 4 premiers on Thursday, September 18th at 10pm on FX.
Just a short little clip from the episode "Dennis and Dee's Mom is Dead." The guys realize that they don't really have any friends so they come up with an idea to meet other guys.
Just a short little clip from the episode "Dennis and Dee's Mom is Dead." The guys realize that they don't really have any friends so they come up with an idea to meet other guys.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Holy Sh*t!!!
Well not much happened today on my day off. Watched some of the swimming and women's gymnastics during the day. Then during the break, Mika and I went grocery shopping at Marukai's on Dillingham. We stopped by Savers on our way there to donate some clothes, the majority of it being Mika's. We stopped by Foodland on our way home to pick up a few more ingredients after deciding in the store that we wanted to eat fried rice for dinner. Got home and started cooking. Nothing fancy, just left over bacon, portuguese sausage, and lop chong from breakfast. Then threw in some egg and kim chee to round it out. Then Riley dropped by to eat dinner and watch one awesome fuckin race. That 4x100m freestyle relay was just cream in your pants good, and only further enhanced by the trash talking done by the favored French team. Honestly, I don't think that anything else in the Beijing Olympics is gonna be able to top that moment for me. USA!!!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Keeping it going
So I got shit for not updating my blog from a fellow blogger, which is actually a good thing because this is something that I want to continue doing. I'm not gonna write about everything that happened since the last update, mainly because I can't remember, so I'll start from Thursday. A few friends and I went to go watch Pineapple Express at Dole Cannery. I thought that it was a pretty good movie, definitely cracked me up a few times. I didn't know that Rosie Perez was gonna be in it so that was kind of a nice surprise. We actually ran into a co-worker there that watched the same movie...she thought that it was so-so.
Friday morning went to go to an eye appointment. My eye sight is really not that bad, I only use my glasses at the movies or in class, or sometimes at night when I drive. According to my doctor, my left eye got a little worse. That doesn't make any sense to me because I don't think that I use it any less or any more than my right eye. Oh well...at least I got to pick out some new Turtle shell frames. Then I drove back up to town to eat some lunch with my friend Jon. We ended up going out to Bangkok Chef which is a pretty good Thai place that's cheap and good and fills you up. Its located near Hungry Lion on School St and Nuuanu. Then we went back to meet up with some friends at Frank's house and just watched a bunch of episodes of How I Met Your Mother. Then we went to go grab some Pasteles at a place near our house. Then back to the house for more episodes of HIMYM until the guys had to leave for a wedding. For more info on that go to my friend Mark's blog.
So while those guys were at the wedding, Mika, Jon, and I went downtown to Murphys to go watch the 49ers and Raiders preseason game. We actually got there a little early so we ended up watching a bunch of the opening ceremony of the Olympics. I'm sure that most people have seen it so I'm only gonna say that it was freaking awesome. The game came on and was only made better since Chad, one of the awesome bartenders at Murphy's, was a Raiders fan. The niners played pretty shitty so after that depressing game, we headed to Waikiki to go meet up with some friends at Yard House. After a couple more beers, we just headed home.
Friday morning went to go to an eye appointment. My eye sight is really not that bad, I only use my glasses at the movies or in class, or sometimes at night when I drive. According to my doctor, my left eye got a little worse. That doesn't make any sense to me because I don't think that I use it any less or any more than my right eye. Oh well...at least I got to pick out some new Turtle shell frames. Then I drove back up to town to eat some lunch with my friend Jon. We ended up going out to Bangkok Chef which is a pretty good Thai place that's cheap and good and fills you up. Its located near Hungry Lion on School St and Nuuanu. Then we went back to meet up with some friends at Frank's house and just watched a bunch of episodes of How I Met Your Mother. Then we went to go grab some Pasteles at a place near our house. Then back to the house for more episodes of HIMYM until the guys had to leave for a wedding. For more info on that go to my friend Mark's blog.
So while those guys were at the wedding, Mika, Jon, and I went downtown to Murphys to go watch the 49ers and Raiders preseason game. We actually got there a little early so we ended up watching a bunch of the opening ceremony of the Olympics. I'm sure that most people have seen it so I'm only gonna say that it was freaking awesome. The game came on and was only made better since Chad, one of the awesome bartenders at Murphy's, was a Raiders fan. The niners played pretty shitty so after that depressing game, we headed to Waikiki to go meet up with some friends at Yard House. After a couple more beers, we just headed home.
Monday, July 14, 2008
We're Going Camping!!!

Other than that, not much going on. We went to the yard house for Jen's birthday on Friday night. Then work on Saturday where Soliven and I totally pwned Kuba and our other coworker Elvin in table tennis. Nightmare. Then we tried to make it downtown to watch our entry for Showdown in Chinatown. We didn't. They showed our movie first, which was unusual, so we went to Bar35 instead. And their happy hour is pretty damn good. Basic martinis and the majority of their bottles are $3 until 10:00. This is in addition to their $3 Guiness and Harp on draft. We might try to hit that up more often. I tried not to stay out too late since I got up at 4:30 Sunday morning to go fishing. We went out to Waianae side this time which was a nice change of scenery. Unfortunately, a huge striped marlin broke our line which was a total downer. It was sooooooo close. Sickeningly close. Don't even wanna talk about it anymore that's how close it was. Got to see a huge pod(?) of dolphins, at least 50, which was kinda cool. Still woulda been nice to get that marlin or an ahi though. Ahh well, next time.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Picnic in the park
Hmm not much going on in my life. I'm changing back to my old work schedule so I'll have Sundays and Mondays off again. I really missed having a day off that most of my friends have off so I'm definitely happy about having Sunday off. Plus that's the day that I usually go fishing. Speaking of which, I'm planning on going this coming Sunday, but we'll probably go out to Waianae side this time.
Let's see...the criteria for the next showdown in chinatown came out: Super hero movie, props-compass and alarm clock, line-"How would you like that?." I know that we're gonna get to use a good camera for this next one so it should turn out more awesome than usual. I like some of the ideas that were proposed so we'll see.
Oh yeah, getting back to the title of this post. A friend and I were thinking about having a cookout at Moanalua Gardens. It's a really nice, well maintained park that many people don't utilize. We figured that we would do it on a lazy Sunday, have some food, set up some croquet and badminton or whatever else people wanted to play. I think that it would be a nice get together before some of our friends leave to go back to the mainland. I guess that's all that's going on in my head right now.
Let's see...the criteria for the next showdown in chinatown came out: Super hero movie, props-compass and alarm clock, line-"How would you like that?." I know that we're gonna get to use a good camera for this next one so it should turn out more awesome than usual. I like some of the ideas that were proposed so we'll see.
Oh yeah, getting back to the title of this post. A friend and I were thinking about having a cookout at Moanalua Gardens. It's a really nice, well maintained park that many people don't utilize. We figured that we would do it on a lazy Sunday, have some food, set up some croquet and badminton or whatever else people wanted to play. I think that it would be a nice get together before some of our friends leave to go back to the mainland. I guess that's all that's going on in my head right now.

Thursday, July 3, 2008
Who's Gonna Be Crazy with Me?

Sooo the "Dark Knight" comes out on Friday, July 18th, which naturally means that I'm going to th midnight showing at Dole theaters Thursday night to catch the movie. This is the only movie that I've been looking forward to seeing this summer ever since I saw "Batman Begins." I just have to say that it's going to be AWESOME. As the saying goes, you snooze you lose. So if you would like to go and watch the movie, I suggest you go to Fandango and purchase the ticket online before hand. I already got mines. You better get yours. Peace.
Monday, June 30, 2008
No luck
Well we didn't get any bites yesterday, but it is still nice to go out on the boat. The only thing is that being out on the ocean for 5 hours is pretty damn tiring. I got about 13 hours of sleep last night, which is really really rare for me.

Well some good news. The second of four Futurama "movies" just came out, and if you're a fan of the show I suggest you go pick it up. I have movies in quotation marks because these were written to be split into three half-hour episodes and it kind of shows. After one viewing, I have to say that I kinda liked it better than the first one. I thought it was funnier and felt more like where the series left off. Go watch it. Later.
Well some good news. The second of four Futurama "movies" just came out, and if you're a fan of the show I suggest you go pick it up. I have movies in quotation marks because these were written to be split into three half-hour episodes and it kind of shows. After one viewing, I have to say that I kinda liked it better than the first one. I thought it was funnier and felt more like where the series left off. Go watch it. Later.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Gone Fishin!
Going fishin tomorrow with Kuba and his uncle so I'll be getting up 5:30am. We usually just go trolling but we might get to do some bottom fishing if the ocean is calm enough. We're hoping for an ono or ahi, but I'll be happy with anything we catch. There's nothing quite like the rush you get when you hear that line start reeling and the excitement grows even more when you finally realize what you've got as it jumps out of the water. It's something that I think everyone should experience at least once in their life. I'll tell you this though: fresh fish is always awesome, but knowing that you fought and reeled in the fish makes it tastes SOOO much better.
For the sake of it
Hmmm haven't updated it in a while and I don't wanna get into that habit. So here's some random thoughts. University of Hawaii College of Pharmacy at Hilo has just attained the status of Candidate which means that graduates from the school are considered the same as those that have graduated from an accredited institution. This definitely changes my plans as UH Hilo CoP has been bumped up to the top of my list. It will definitely be the best option financially and flying home wouldn't be a problem. Plus rent is pretty cheap there and I have family that live in the area. And I LIKE Hilo...I think that it'll be an awesome place to study since, you know, there isn't much to do. So now I just have to hope that I get accepted ;)
Speaking of which, I plan on taking the PCATs in August!? So if you don't see me out that much in the next couple of months, it'll be because I'm studying for the test. I just hope that I can get my act together and pull this one out. And so this post isn't all text, here's a picture I took of a common house fly:
Speaking of which, I plan on taking the PCATs in August!? So if you don't see me out that much in the next couple of months, it'll be because I'm studying for the test. I just hope that I can get my act together and pull this one out. And so this post isn't all text, here's a picture I took of a common house fly:
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
I figured that watching "Short hair, butter thighs" wouldn't be enough, so here is the ringtone:
Get this on your phone for FREE | Make your own free ringtones
By the way, this site is actually pretty good for finding ringtones and wallpapers and all that other good stuff for your phone. And it's all FREE.
Get this on your phone for FREE | Make your own free ringtones
By the way, this site is actually pretty good for finding ringtones and wallpapers and all that other good stuff for your phone. And it's all FREE.
Homemade granola
I haven't figured out what I want to post on this blog, so I'll try talking about something that I like to do. I made some granola last night to put into cereal or yogurt. I don't know why but I think that making things from scratch is pretty fun and it's always piqued my interest. Maybe that's why I like watching Good Eats on the food network. Anyway, you can customize it to fit what you want and the product usually ends up being superior to anything store bought. Now if you know me then you already know that I'm fairly adept in the kitchen, but you would be surprised at how simple some things are to make. For example, granola. Its basically just oats, but then you can add whatever you like to it. For mine, I added shredded coconut, almonds, and raisins. That's it. Then there's the flavoring, which was vegetable oil, honey, maple syrup, cinnamon, brown sugar, and vanilla. Just mix it all together, bake it for about 15 minutes, then BOOM you've got granola. Yeah, I think I like talking about food. Probably gonna do it more.
BTDub, some people brought up bringing back game night Monday's again. It's something that I started last year and it went on for about three weeks. I would invite friends over for some dinner and we would just play some board game like Cranium, Balderdash, or Pictionary. I know that it sounds pretty lame but it was actually kinda fun because everybody would get into it. It was also a nice night to just take it easy and recover from the weekend. But due to the cost of cooking for people, work, school, and people showing up three hours late, game night came to an end. So the plan is that if it does come back, it would probably stay as Monday nights, but start at a later time, probably around 8 or 9 o'clock. The only food that would be served is pupus and/or dessert.
BTDub, some people brought up bringing back game night Monday's again. It's something that I started last year and it went on for about three weeks. I would invite friends over for some dinner and we would just play some board game like Cranium, Balderdash, or Pictionary. I know that it sounds pretty lame but it was actually kinda fun because everybody would get into it. It was also a nice night to just take it easy and recover from the weekend. But due to the cost of cooking for people, work, school, and people showing up three hours late, game night came to an end. So the plan is that if it does come back, it would probably stay as Monday nights, but start at a later time, probably around 8 or 9 o'clock. The only food that would be served is pupus and/or dessert.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Gonna Stick with Blogger
Well I think that I'm just going to use the picture uploader from blogger for now. It works pretty well. Here are some pictures from the National Zoo as well as the Sculpture Garden. Maybe the artist for the last sculpture was lonely!?

Sunday, June 22, 2008
Back from DC
Well I just got back from my trip to our nations capital. This trip was a lot of fun but probably the most tiring. I was never able to adjust to Eastern time since we were only there for a little while so this trip completely fucked up my sleep schedule. But I'm getting back on track. I've got quite a few pictures that I'll put in my next post. Too tired right now to post anything else.
I've really gotta stop doing these posts past 2:00 in the morning.
Here's one picture:
I've really gotta stop doing these posts past 2:00 in the morning.
Here's one picture:
Friday, June 13, 2008
I promise that I will work on customizing my blog page so that it isn't so boring. It'll be sleek and simple. Well today was my day off, which worked out great since we were filming till about 2:00 in the morning last night. We are entering a film in the Showdown in Chinatown. The theme for this month is comedy and it must include the line "I'm voting for Obama." I don't want to spoil anything, so all I'll say is that we're doing a music video. Needless to say, this has been one of the funnest movies to shoot so far and I have a lot of confidence that the end product will turn out awesome thanks to our director and editor Jon. If you can make it, the showing is going to be downtown (duh!) at the bar Next Door at about 8:00, $10 at the door.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Why not?
Well I figured that I would give this blogging thing a try. I don't really know who's planning on reading this, but I'm doing this more for me so we'll see.
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