So Mika, Riley, William Buck, Vanna, Dana, Matt and I went down to Waimea today. It's definitely one of my top 3 beaches. Not only is it ALWAYS nice, but I went there a lot as a kid. It always brings back mostly pleasant memories. So once everyone got to the beach, we went straight for the rock. I always feel like I kid when I'm jumping off, but that ends as soon as you do a backflop and you're back gets all red. I tried to do a double backflip off of the lower end of the rock, but i didn't get enough centripital force. Oh least I tried and didn't pussy out. Then we played some volleyball, trying to keep the ball up as long as we could. We got to the high 50's a few times, no thanks to Jon punching the ball. And what's a day at the beach without some chicken fights? Evin and Vanna ended up dominating...I guess she has strong thighs?!

And I don't know if I posted any pictures of camping so here are some:

Mika, Amber, and I also went hiking last Sunday to Koko Head. That hike is slowly getting easier, more so than the last time I went up. For some retarted reason, I decided to run down the mountain. I thought that I had learned my lesson from last time, but apparently not. As a result, my calves were pretty much shot for about three days. Maybe next time ;)
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