So i usually have very strong feelings against Christmas creep. And in case you're unfamiliar with the term,
Christmas Creep is used to describe any situation in which Christmas is celebrated prematurely, namely before other holidays, and includes acts such as putting up a Christmas tree before Thanksgiving, stores displaying Christmas related decorations, and the sale of Christmas related items. But since I am going back to Oahu for Christmas break, I figured that it would be ok for me to break my own rule. I wanted to celebrate Christmas with my new friends from pharmacy school and since we're all leaving on about December 17th, I decided that it would make sense to start a little earlier so that we would have to time to enjoy everything.
We also decided to do secret santa this year. I can't quite say who I've gotten cause it would ruin the whole point of secret santa, but I can say that I am happy with who I got since the person is pretty easy to please. Here are some pictures of what we've done so far:

So there's the Christmas tree. Almost finished. And we each did our own stocking. Justin's is still a work in progress (hopefully!).

And I thought it would be funny to put our pictures in ornaments so I got some pictures from everyone's facebook page. And I figured that since I put some funny ones of other people, mine had to be the worst so here's mine (bottom right):
