I haven't figured out what I want to post on this blog, so I'll try talking about something that I like to do. I made some granola last night to put into cereal or yogurt. I don't know why but I think that making things from scratch is pretty fun and it's always
piqued my interest. Maybe that's why I like watching Good Eats on the food network. Anyway, you can customize it to fit what you want and the product usually ends up being superior to anything store bought. Now if you know me then you already know that I'm fairly adept in the kitchen, but you would be surprised at how simple some things are to make. For example, granola. Its basically just oats, but then you can add whatever you like to it. For mine, I added shredded coconut, almonds, and raisins. That's it. Then there's the flavoring, which was vegetable oil, honey, maple syrup, cinnamon, brown sugar, and vanilla. Just mix it all together, bake it for about 15 minutes, then BOOM you've got granola. Yeah, I think I like talking about food. Probably gonna do it more.
BTDub, some people brought up bringing back game night Monday's again. It's something that I started last year and it went on for about three weeks. I would invite friends over for some dinner and we would just play some board game like Cranium, Balderdash, or
Pictionary. I know that it sounds pretty lame but it was actually kinda fun because everybody would get into it. It was also a nice night to just take it easy and recover from the weekend. But due to the cost of cooking for people, work, school, and people showing up three hours late, game night came to an end. So the plan is that if it does come back, it would probably stay as Monday nights, but start at a later time, probably around 8 or 9 o'clock. The only food that would be served is
pupus and/or dessert.